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“Our SMPS, Primary School Early Childhood community is a language-rich and kind environment where active participation and meaningful learning go hand-in-hand with fun and friendship”
Play Group

PlayGroup: 1.5 to 2.5 years

Our multi-level kindergarten programs cater to the age group of 1.5-2.5 years with a curriculum focussing on the holistic development of the children. Our programs are built to provide your child with the right stimulation for their age with the right balance of learning & fun to ensure overall development.


Nursery: 2.5 to 3.5 years

Our pre kindergarten program helps children broaden their base information, form concepts, acquire foundation skills and positive attitudes to learning and begin to develop their abilities and talents in a wide range of areas.


Lower-KG: 3.5: 4.5 Years

Our lower early years is not only the foundation for a happy and successful school career. In this year the children also develop many social, personal and emotional skills like interacting with other children, sharing toys, expressing their feelings in an appropriate way, waiting for their turn or becoming more independent when dressing and eating. The curriculum focuses on Reading and Language, Writing, Understanding of the World, Confidence and Public Speaking, Self Expression, Science and Technology, Mathematics, and Logic and Reasoning. The learning is imparted through the inquiry methodology and is interacted and play based where students explore and think critically.

Play Group

Upper-KG 4.5 to 5.5 years

At SMPS, Primary Wing we believe in a holistic approach that caters for each child’s learning needs. At this stage the focus is on the development of concepts, competencies and character. Character development is equally important to the development of competencies and conceptual understanding. Our UKG program focuses on guided inquiry, collaboration and communication as approaches to teaching and learning. Learning is defined as the process that leads to demonstrable consolidation or extension of conceptual understanding, competencies or character. This program focuses on four fundamental development areas – Cognition, Language and Communication, Personal - Social and Emotional development, Creativity and Imagination, and Physical Development.



Our learning methodology focuses on three main educational approaches Integrated, Differentiated and Trans-disciplinary Learning Through Inquiry, Learning Through Play, Integrated, Differentiated and Trans-disciplinary learning Students grab ideas efficiently and effectively and maintain their attention in school when they have an educational program that is integrated one that compels them to connect their learning to their own lives and the world around them and that helps them see how knowledge and skills in one area are relevant and related to the other. Our Kindergarten experience accentuates the interconnected and trans-disciplinary learning that occurs when children are exposed to real-life situations and differentiated activities in the classroom, home, school, and their community - catering to each and every individuals special learning abilities targeting their multiple intelligence.