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Update Google ChromeBased on the rock foundation off Bhartiya value and international education SMPS students will be well equipped to handle large issue based on their in-depth understanding of the core subjects and contectat a much higher level. They would learn about the function of United Nations through model UN conferences and seminar mock who meets mock UNICEF programs model Indian parliament and several other high level programs they will learn about the the species that are about to be extinct and mobilise their community to save them thought campaigns and other media. they will learn the value of healthy living through will being club activities.they would participate in various community programs of the upliftment of the the disadvantaged group help preserve the environment from degradation learn to use more of ebooks and journals write their assignments online and helps save tree MTS students will develop into responsible citizens and would strive to better the condition of the disadvantaged group. They would lend a helping hand to the old and the infirm seek social awareness about health and hygiene through a variety of social campaigns and movements.
We make education a better aspect of students life, in doing so SMPS Primary Wing has been striving hard to create and innovate best strategies that can meet the needs of 21st century on our cultural grounds. Fortunately, there is a way to sort out leaning problem among children. Every child process available information in a different manner. Based on this assumption children can understand, comprehend and learn something in different ways. Children are very smart in the way they perceive, gather, pool and process a Set of data available around them. In other words, they create their learning channels and stimuli sets to learn their lessons. Here to overcome burdens of mugging up all the concepts are transformed in various task oriented activities, in which students Cognitively take interests in learning and processing that ability, that after having this methodology successfully implemented in academic deliverance in classroom we are going to step further to have this methodology implemented in evaluation or examination as well. This methodology evaluate the child based activities. Fot all academic concepts of each subject Every student experience and practiced practically, consequently they understand study of their 'Cognizance' hence a automated behavior builds up for life time to learn and to perceive knowledge. Student's mind itself become a witness to analyse themselves that leads a mind set how to get information correctly. Therefore we are presenting you the examination methodology to be taken into consideration in coming examination for preparatory level.